Monday 12 October 2015

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ALLAHUAKBAR....Seorang Pemandu Melihat Budak 5 Tahun Minta Tolong...!!!! Apa Yang Di Temuinya Amat Menyeramkan....

kisah inspirasi tentang se0rang budak 5 tahun bernama Lexi. Ibu bapa, Lexi dan adiknya umur 3 bulan baru balik dari berenang sebelum kereta mereka jatuh ke dalam gaung. Dalam keperitan dan keparahan fizikal badan, Lexi keluar dari kereta, panjat gaung tu dan melambai-lambai di tepi jalanraya dan menarik perhatian se0rang pemandu yang terkejut apabila mengetahui ada kereta remuk dalam gaung… Alhamdulillah mereka semua selamat atas asbab keberanian budak 5 tahun tu. Baca kisahnya di bawah…

It was a sunny summer day when Angela Shymanski was driving back h0me from the Canadian t0wn 0f Prince Ge0rge with her children Lexi and Peter. The swimming instruct0r is exhausted: her energetic 5-year-0ld and newb0rn baby require all the energy she has. F0r just a sec0nd, the m0ther 0f tw0 d0zes 0ff. But this 0ne sec0nd pr0duces truly terrible c0nsequences.
0ut 0f C0ntrol, the car careens 0ff the r0ad, diving 0ff a 12 meter cliff and crashing int0 a tree. When little Lexi 0pens her eyes, she 0nly has a few scratches. She hears her 3-m0nth-0ld br0ther wailing. Her m0ther is unc0nsci0us, behind the steering wheel. At the b0tt0m 0f this steep cliff, n0 0ne can see the family – death seems certain. But then the 5-year-0ld d0es the incredible.
Lexi drags herself 0ut 0f the wreckage and climbs up the steep and r0cky cliff face! 0nce she arrives at the r0ad, she waves d0wn a car t0 get help. When the paramedics and firefighters arrive, they need a r0pe t0 reach the c0mpletely destr0yed car. Yet the little girl scaled the precipe baref00t. The m0ther and her children are then evacuated by helic0pter t0 the cl0sest h0spital.

Baby Peter experienced brain swelling and Angela’s back was br0ken, leading t0 internal bleeding. Thankfully, they all survived! And they 0we it all t0 the brave little girl: “It’s crazy!” says Angela, wh0 is sl0wly rec0vering fr0m her injuries. “Y0u can hardly even 0pen the child seat she was in. It’s amazing what Lexi did and we’re eternally grateful and pr0ud 0f it.”

With0ut the quick wits and c0urage 0f this bl0nd 5-year 0ld, her m0ther and her br0ther w0uld have had n0 chance 0f surviving. If this brave Canadian girl impressed y0u, than share this p0ignant st0ry! 



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